You guys! After living in this house for TWO years, I finally LOVE our bedroom.
Before I started this project, walking into the Master gave me anxiety. It was just so ugly, nothing was put together. There were drywall patches that hadn’t been painted, the walls were a horrible blue, our bedding was 8+ years old…just yuck.
Now, each time I walk in (not exaggerating) it takes my breath away for a second. Even if the bed isn’t made – it’s that good!
This project is still in progress. I’m finishing the custom headboard (inspired by this iron bed from Restoration Hardware) this weekend – fingers crossed .Since the photo in this article, I’ve hung some very dramatic, black floor to ceiling curtain panels (so mood), and we still need to hang the iron mirror above the bed…but it’s soooo close to being done!
Most of the products we used are linked in this article, but if there is something you have a question about, leave me a note in the comments. I’ll be following up with the finished room soon 🙂

Before: Master Bedroom

Mood Board / Project Render: Master Bedroom

Current Progress: Master Bedroom
Additional Product Details:
Paint: Sherwin Williams Oyster White
Nightstands:Â Secondhand via Craigslist, repainted, new hardware
Artwork:Â Vintage. (Most of the art is from Drew’s dear, Aunt Lucille’s home. I love having memories of her throughout our house)